Research Town Halls
Supporting Research in the COVID-19 era: Research Town Halls
Co-sponsored by the Offices of Research & Faculty Affairs
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 12-1:30pm EDT
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 3-4:30pm EDT
💻 All will be Zoom Virtual Events
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact our research enterprise. As the Faculty of Health Sciences adapts to a “new normal” in the way we conduct research and offer services to our researchers, we’d like to learn more about your experiences during these challenging times. For this reason, the FHS Office of Research (under Vice-Dean of Research Dr. Jonathan Bramson's leadership) and the FHS Office of Faculty Affairs (under Dr. Mark Walton's leadership) are linking up with partners like MacPFD and the hospitals to engage in a series of three Research Town Halls.
All faculty members who identify as researchers within the Faculty of Health Sciences are invited to join us.
Each session will have a mix of FHS leaders interested in listening to your challenges/concerns. We are also excited to hear your solutions.
Below are the dates/times and leadership for each Town Hall:
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 12-1:30pm EDT
Hosts: Jonathan Bramson, Tracy Arabski, Laura Harrington, Teresa Chan.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Hosts: Jonathan Bramson, Tracy Arabski, Laura Harrington, Ted Scott (HHSC), Jack Gauldie, Gail Martin, Teresa Chan.
Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 3-4:30pm EDT
Hosts: Jonathan Bramson, Tracy Arabski, Laura Harrington, Teresa Chan.
The ultimate goal of these Town Halls will be to gain insights into what programming will be useful to you in the Fall of 2020 to assist you in being successful.
Aligned with the MacPFD pillar of Scholarly Practice, faculty development will be carving a new path to support researchers and scholars in their lives going forward, and Dr. Teresa Chan (Assistant Dean, Faculty Development) will be on hand to listen and learn how she can work with Drs. Mark Walton (Vice Dean, Faculty Affairs) & Jonathan Bramson (Vice Dean, Research) to support your work.
Prior to arrival, there is a survey to complete
Prior to arrival, there is a survey to complete
Our Goals
We want to explore the following questions in these town halls:
How have you adjusted your research methods?
What questions, concerns and challenges do you currently face?
What challenges have you overcome?
The information that you provide us with will help us to understand how FHS (and McMaster's program for Faculty Development) can best support research now, and moving forward.