Moodle Knowledge Base

What are the supported file formats on Moodle?

Accepted file formats on Moodle

File types you can add to Moodle include PDF, Word and other text documents, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, zip files, and media such as image, video, and audio files. Please refer to the following categories to identify the appropriate formats of the files. 

 Archive files .7z .bdoc .cdoc .ddoc .gtar .tgz .gz .gzip .hqx .rar .sit .tar .zipExpand

 Audio files .aac .aif .aiff .aifc .au .flac .m3u .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .ra .ram .rm .wav .wmaExpand

 Audio files natively supported by browsers .aac .flac .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .wavExpand

 Audio files used on the web .aac .flac .mp3 .m4a .oga .ogg .ra .wavExpand

 Document files .doc .docx .epub .gdoc .odt .ott .oth .pdf .rtfExpand

 HTML track files .vttExpand

 Image files .ai .bmp .gdraw .gif .ico .jpe .jpeg .jpg .pct .pic .pict .png .svg .svgz .tif .tiffExpand

 Image files to be optimised, such as badges .gif .jpe .jpeg .jpg .pngExpand

 Image files used on the web .gif .jpe .jpeg .jpg .png .svg .svgzExpand

 Presentation files .gslides .odp .otp .pps .ppt .pptx .pptm .potx .potm .ppam .ppsx .ppsm .pub .sxi .stiExpand

 Spreadsheet files .csv .gsheet .ods .ots .xls .xlsx .xlsmExpand

 Streaming media .m3u8 .mpdExpand

 Video files .3gp .avi .dv .dif .flv .f4v .fmp4 .mov .movie .mp4 .m4v .mpeg .mpe .mpg .ogv .qt .rmvb .rv .swf .swfl .ts .webm .wmv .asfExpand

 Video files natively supported by browsers .fmp4 .mov .mp4 .m4v .ogv .webmExpand

 Video files used on the web .avi .flv .f4v .fmp4 .mov .mp4 .m4v .mpeg .mpe .mpg .ogv .qt .swf .swfl .ts .webmExpand

 Web files .css .html .xhtml .htm .js .scss

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