Workshop Abstract
Addiction & Stigma
💻 Delivered Virtually
📅May 25, 2021
Conrad Sichler
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
Develop an approach to patients with substance use disorders that is compassionate yet still has boundaries.
Examine any possible thoughts and feelings that may exist towards patients with substance use disorders.
The Problem:
Addictive disorders are probably the most stigmatized of the mental and emotional health disorders in society. In general, addiction medicine is poorly taught, if at all, in medical education. Stigma and the behaviours that arise out of it can have harmful medical consequences, even in the absence of intent.
The Approach:
Having some core knowledge about addictive disorders and the factors that drive them can greatly reduce the appearance of stigma in the delivery of health care towards patients with addictive disorders. Introspection surrounding knowledge and emotional reactions to this patient population can lead to behavioural change that decreases stigmatizing behaviours in the delivery of health care, in particular by decreasing patient and caregiver shame. Self-care of caregivers as part of health care is a pivotal part of making this shift.