PBSG-ED: Series on Medical Education for Clinical Teachers
Practice Based Small Group-Education (PBSG-ED) is dedicated to the enhancement of the educational skills of busy clinician teachers through the development of paper modules which can be used by small groups of teachers at times and settings of their convenience.
Each module provides continuing education that makes judicious use of the most recent and best educational evidence available. Starting from real-life examples of teaching/learning situations, the modules have been designed using a case-based format to promote discussion of challenging issues/dilemmas that are likely to arise when working with learners. Their purpose is to foster reflection and provide opportunities to refine skills-preparing the way for selected changes that can improve learning.
These faculty development modules have proven to be useful for a variety of health science educators (e.g. internal medicine, surgery, OBGYN, nursing, rehab science).
ACCREDITATION: CME credits may be important to some of your participants. Please work with your local Office of Continuing Medical Education to obtain accreditation prior to the session.
PBSG-ED Module Topics
Medical Errors and Mistakes
Teaching on the Fly - Time Efficient Teaching Strategies
Learner in Difficulty - updated 2016
Assessment of Learner Performance - updated 2017
Preparing for New Learners – Planning and orientation
International Medical Graduates- Orienting, Teaching and Connecting
Working Together: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration among Health Professionals
Developing Professionalism in our Learners: Critical Conversations
Conflict Management: Strategies for the Preceptor
**NEW** The Teacher as Coach: Facilitating Learner Growth and Development
MODULES currently available in FRENCH:
Stratégies d'enseignement chrono-efficaces – Enseigner sur le pouce
Développer le professionnalisme chez les apprenants - Conversations déterminantes
Appendices & Additional Resources
Medical Errors and Mistakes
Appendix 4 - How to Disclose Medical Errors - Tips for Learners
Appendix 5 - Medical Error: Reflection Guide for Clinical Preceptors
Case Bank
How to Purchase the Modules
To purchase the modules, please click on the links below to place an order for the module of your choice directly from our McMaster Campus Bookstore.
Please note that due to the pandemic, there may be delays in shipping due to postal service delays.
In English
International Medical Graduates- Orienting, Teaching and Connecting
Working Together: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration among Health Professionals
Developing Professionalism in our Learners: Critical Conversations
**NEW** The Teacher as Coach: Facilitating Learner Growth and Development
En Français
PBSG-ED Publications
MacVicar, R, Guthrie, V, O'Rourke, J, Sneddon, A. Supporting educational supervisor development at the interface: evaluation of a pilot of PBSGL for faculty development. Educ Prim Care 2013 May; 24(3):178-84.
Walsh AE, Armson H, Wakefield JG, Leadbetter W, Roder S. Using a Novel Small Group Approach to Enhance Feedback Skills for Community-based Teachers. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2009;21(1):45-51.
Armson A, Kinzie S, Hawes D, Roder S, Wakefield J, Elmslie T. Translating learning into practice: lessons from the practice-based small group learning program. Can Fam Physician 2007 Sept;53(9):1477-85.