Resources for Writing Teams
Below are some resources that might help support the process of collaborative writing.
Collaborative Writing Part 1:
Using Google Docs & Zotaro Effectively
Using Google Docs & Zotaro Effectively
Want to find new tools to help with collaborative writing, here's a quick video exploring how to use Google Documents and Zotaro effectively when writing in teams.
Collaborative Writing Part 2:
Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks
Dr. Mary Haas (University of Michigan), Dr Michael Gottlieb (Rush University Medical Centre), Dr. Yusuf Yilmaz (Postdoctoral Fellow, MERIT) and Dr. Teresa Chan (MacPFD/MERIT) take us through some effective tips and tricks.
Collaborative Writing Part 3:
Organization and Time Management
Organization and Time Management
How do you best organize and manage your time through a large scale group project? Check this out!
Collaborative Writing Podcast:
Dr. Karen McAssey
Dr. Karen McAssey
Listen to Dr. Karen McAssey reflect on how the MD program at McMaster transitioned digitally during the COVID-19 pandemic. Start at timestamp 22:22 to hear her discuss collaborative writing tips.