Unit 1 | Module 2
The Nature of Evidence
In this module you will be delving deeper into the philosophy behind how and what we know what we know. What is the nature of evidence in HPE? What types of scientific work can you expect within this field?
In this module you will be delving deeper into the philosophy behind how and what we know what we know. What is the nature of evidence in HPE? What types of scientific work can you expect within this field?
Philosophy of Science Primer
Philosophy of Science Primer
Here is a great podcast by Dr. Lara Varpio who is an adjunct scientist at MERIT and a co-host of the KeyLIME podcast.
Featured Education Scholars
Featured Education Scholars
Dr. Lara Varpio is Professor of Medicine, and Associate Director of Research for the Health Professions Education graduate degree program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU). She also holds adjunct status at McMaster University. She is a co-host of the KeyLIME podcast.
Additional Readings:
Additional Readings:
Varpio L, MacLeod A. Philosophy of Science Series: Harnessing the Multidisciplinary Edge Effect by Exploring Paradigms, Ontologies, Epistemologies, Axiologies, and Methodologies. Academic Medicine. 2020 May;95(5):686–9. Get it Mac | See on Academic Medicine