Inspired Teaching
Online Teaching 201:
Zoom-in’ Teaching Scenarios
Zoom-in’ Teaching Scenarios
Originally Delivered on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 | 5:00-6:30pm
💻 Zoom Virtual Event
Ready to level up your teaching on Zoom? We are here to help! Regardless of your preferred teaching style, we will discuss top strategies to increase online engagement during PBL tutorials, small group sessions, and lecture-based seminars. Uncover new Zoom tools and work through several teaching scenarios to co-design engaging learning experiences using the PFD Online Teaching Toolkit.
You can simply watch this video, or you can engage with it as a Do-It-Yourself workshop. Simply download the handouts by clicking here (remember, don't request permission, simply click on file and DOWNLOAD a copy) to have the cases ready to roll with your colleagues (either in a small group, or in a large group with breakout groups), and make sure to pause the video at the break when indicated.
Part 1 - by Sarrah Lal
Part 2 - by Dr. Amy Palma
Part 3 - by Dr. Ilana Bayer
Sarrah Lal , MBA (@SarrahML) is an assistant professor in the Division of Education & Innovation (DEI) within the Department of Medicine. She is a entrepreneurship and innovation expert and directs various educational efforts within the Michael G. DeGroote Initiative for Innovation in Healthcare. Currently she is also the lead of the Leadership & Management team in the McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Program for Faculty Development (@MacPFD).
Ilana Bayer (@IlanaBayer) is Director of Learning Technologies as well as Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine. Dr. Bayer has worked in the corporate sector developing educational and performance based training materials. She has a combined background in health sciences, e-learning, teaching and training. In her role, Dr. Bayer assists faculty with all learning technology needs and, specifically, supports faculty development around the use of electronic modalities to enhance teaching.
Amy Palma is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and teaches in a variety of levels in the undergraduate program. She started at McMaster in 2006 as a clinical instructor, and joined the School of Nursing as a full time faculty member in 2008. Her clinical background is in pediatric nursing. She is actively involved in a variety of activities related to the scholarship of teaching and learning, with a particular interest in simulation in nursing education.
Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) is an associate professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine at McMaster University. She is the assistant dean for McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Program for Faculty Development (@MacPFD). She is an avid scholar in health professions education and works with the MERIT group (@MERIT_McMaster), and conducts research and scholarship within this area.