Unit 1 | Module 1
The Philosophy of Science
In this module you will explore the philosophical principles that underpin our assumptions in science. As potential knowledge producers, and also as frequent knowledge consumers, this is a very key concept that any education scholar should know.
Philosophical Worldviews
Our first video is by Dr. Meredith Vanstone about the differences between some key paradigms and the ways in which they affect the questions you ask, the data you collect and results you find.
The Nature of Knowing
This HPER podcast features two of our adjunct MERIT scientists Drs. Teresa Chan & Lara Varpio discussing the nature of evidence. Check it out now by clicking on the orange button to the left our take a look at our complete podcast collection here.
Featured Education Scholars
Meredith Vanstone is an associate professor in McMaster's Department of Family Medicine; an adjunct scientist with McMaster’s program for Education Research, Innovation & Theory (MERIT) and a member of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA). She holds a PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (health professional education) from Western University. Vanstone uses a variety of qualitative research methods to investigate the ethical implications of health professional education and practice. Vanstone supervises in the following graduate programs: Health Sciences Education (MSc), Health Research Methodology (Msc and PhD) and Health Policy (PhD).
Dr. Lara Varpio is Professor of Medicine, and Associate Director of Research for the Health Professions Education graduate degree program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU). She also holds adjunct status at McMaster University. She is a co-host of the KeyLIME podcast.
Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) is an associate professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine at McMaster University. She is the assistant dean for McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Program for Faculty Development (@MacPFD). She is an avid scholar in health professions education and works with the MERIT group (@MERIT_McMaster), and conducts research and scholarship within this area.
Additional Readings:
Bergman E, de Feijter J, Frambach J, Godefrooij M, Slootweg I,Stalmeijer R, van der ZwetJ. AM last page: A guide to research paradigms relevant to medical education. Academic Medicine.2012 Apr 1;87(4):545. Get it Mac | See on Academic Medicine
Castillo-Page L, Bodilly S, Bunton SA. AM last page: Understanding qualitative and quantitative research paradigms in academic medicine. Academic Medicine. 2012 Mar 1;87(3):386. Get it Mac | See on Academic Medicine